這是CNN Student News 在 March 17, 2011的新聞內容
請看有關日本的報導 約到6:19
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Asia, North America, Europe and the Middle East. We're going to hit them all in this globetrotting edition of CNN Student News. Guiding you through today's headlines, I'm Carl Azuz.
AZUZ: Heroes. That's what a group of about 180 Japanese power plant workers are being called. They're working at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, that's the one we've been reporting on this week; the plant that most people are being told to get away from. But these 180 workers are staying put, potentially putting their health -- maybe even their lives -- on the line. In these pictures, you can see some of the damage that these men are dealing with. Fires, explosions at the plant have threatened the stability of the nuclear reactors. The biggest concern in this is that that extreme levels of radiation could leak out into the atmosphere. At one point on Wednesday, the radiation levels around the plant shot way up, and the workers were forced to get out of the area. But when the levels went back down again, the workers went back in.
Also on Wednesday, Japan's emperor made a rare TV appearance. The emperor is a ceremonial position; he doesn't have official powers. But he is an important figure in Japanese life. And this was the first time that this emperor made a speech like this during this kind of national crisis. He said, "I truly hope the victims of the disaster never give up hope, take care of themselves, and live strong for tomorrow." He also added, "I want all citizens of Japan to remember everyone who has been affected by the devastation not only today, but for a long time afterwards."
Many people in Japan have been forced to leave their homes. Japanese media report that 450,000 people -- half a million -- are living in shelters like this evacuation center that was set up inside a junior high school's gym. Many others are trying to get out of Japan entirely. Kyung Lah shows us the packed scene at Tokyo's airports and the deserted streets of downtown.
KYUNG LAH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, TOKYO: Winding lines, mothers comforting babies, no seats anywhere at Tokyo's Haneda Airport departure area. Across town at Tokyo's Narita International Airport, thousands waiting to leave the country. This is what an unprecedented mass exodus out of one of the world's most populated cities looks like, driven by concerns about the nuclear emergency in Fukushima, nearly 200 miles away. The ones able to leave Tokyo quickly, ex-patriots like Matthew Delboe.
Are you really worried? You really think that there's something that's going to happen.
MATTHEW DELBOE, FRENCH CITIZEN: Two days ago, I felt there was no risk. Now, I think it's stupid to stay when you can leave.
LAH: This is an orderly mass departure. Remaining calm, a mark of Japanese civility even in the face of crisis. And this is a crisis noted in an unprecedented sight: Japan's emperor comforting his country in a nationally televised address.
A nation's quiet anxiety evident all over the city. Empty grocery store shelves as residents stockpile rations for a possible emergency, and empty streets in downtown Tokyo.
Normally, there are people lining up all down those stairs for that very popular restaurant in this business district. Over here, you would normally see people also lining up to get food to carry out. You can see there's no one here. This is highly unusual for the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Walk around over here, and this is one of the only ATMs in the area. There's normally people lining up all down this street. But you can see, there's no line today.
It's scary, says this owner of a noodle shop, and lonely. No customers for restaurants to serve, but he's not leaving. I have my entire life here, he says. I can't just pull up and leave.
ZACH OGURA, TOKYO RESIDENT: I think it's, yes, a bit overwhelming, yes.
LAH: Tokyo resident Zach Ogura says Tokyo is home, and he's not ready to leave with his two sons yet. Emphasis on yet.
OGURA: At this moment in time, I don't worry. But I don't know, you know. Within maybe in a few days or so, that's, I don't know.
LAH: That uncertainty keeping a country on edge and on the move away from the brewing threat to the north. Kyung Lah, CNN, Tokyo.
AZUZ: The U.S. military is concerned about its troops being exposed to radiation. They're in Japan helping with recovery efforts. Officials say they won't let troops get within 50 miles of the damaged nuclear plant. In the U.S., there's been a run on potassium iodide, a supplement that can help prevent the body from absorbing radiation. It's flying off the shelves, although government officials say there's no need for Americans to take it.
This situation also has people asking questions about nuclear power plants in the U.S. Can they withstand an earthquake like the one that hit Japan? During a congressional hearing this week, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said America's nuclear plants are sufficiently protected against this kind of disaster. But some lawmakers are calling for new safety measures at the plants.
Blog Report
AZUZ: We opened up our blog at CNNStudentNews.com as a place for you to talk about your reaction to the Japan tragedy and to show support for your fellow students across the Pacific. Allie says, "We may not be super heroes, but we need to start acting like it. Japan's in need; it's time to come together and do something, not just wish to." Molly says she's very worried about the people in Japan and that her school is taking action: They're doing a bake sale and then donating the money to the people of Japan. Will is praying for the families who've lost a loved one. His social studies and current events class has been talking about the issue constantly; he hopes that all countries that are able will help Japan. From some international students: Albert from South Korea says people in his nation worry about Japan, even though the two countries have had conflict in the past. And in the words of Tony from Taiwan: "I'll pray for your safety before I sleep. I'll pray for your food supply before I eat. I'll pray for your rebuilt home before I leave home."