Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.這裡是Margaret和學生說說話~分享生活經驗的地方~ Welcome to Margaret's Garden!

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這是CNN Student News 在 March 17, 2011的新聞內容

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Twenty-five clips from around the world were selected for the first creative video biennial run by the Guggenheim Museum and the YouTube video sharing site, highlighting online video as a popular art form.

本文英文引自 http://www.chinapost.com.tw/art/movies-&-films/2010/10/24/277211/Guggenheim-YouTube-biennial.htm

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本文引用英文來自下列網站   (本篇原文很短  請各位連結過去閱讀)

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 Parking Spaces Become Parks for a Day in Hundreds of Cities

本文英文引自 The China Post  September 20, 2009 報導http://www.chinapost.com.tw/international/americas/2009/09/20/225465/Parking-spaces.htm

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關於Typhoon Morakot各大國際媒體都有報導

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Microsoft and Yahoo's web deal

本文英文皆引自BBC Worldservice 29 July, 2009報導

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Watergate Hotel sold for US$25 million

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